Kitchen Design With 100 Points Of Happiness (Part 1)

The kitchen is a frequently used space in daily life. Whether the kitchen design is reasonable or not is related to the comfort and convenience of future use. Perhaps a small detail design can exert great energy and make kitchen cooking goodbye to disorder, boredom and fatigue. Next, I will share some practical kitchen details for everyone.

  1. The open kitchen is beautiful, but problems such as oily smoke, storage and cleanliness have to be dealt with. Consider installing a glass sliding door. Not only the space is more transparent, but the sliding door can also reduce opening and closing compared to the flat door. The space occupied by the door.

  2.  The kitchen is too hot in summer. Have you ever thought of installing an air conditioner in the kitchen? But have you ever experienced how difficult it is to wash the air-conditioning filter with mixed oil fume? If conditions permit, exhaust can be installed on the ceiling.
  3. Space should be reserved for the kitchen cabinets to facilitate the installation of the small kitchen treasure. The small kitchen treasure can use hot water without waiting and will not waste water, especially in winter, which is more practical than waiting for the hot water of a water heater. Much more convenient.

  4. The flue of the range hood can be blown out if conditions permit. If a public flue is used, the interface between the exhaust pipe of the range hood and the public flue must be sealed, so as not to have people in the building, the house will be full The smell of oily smoke.
